Monday, 1 June 2020

Angular setup

Setup to Start Angular

Install Node.js LTS Version

URL: -
--Check installed Node.js, npm(Node Package Manager) Version
Open Node.js command prompt=>Type node -v=>Press Enter

Install TypeScript

URL: -
Open Node.js command prompt=>Type npm install -g typescript=>Press Enter
--Update TypeScript
Open Node.js command prompt=>Type npm update -g typescript@latest =>Press Enter

Install Angular CLI

Open Node.js command prompt=>Type npm install -g @angular/cli=>Press Enter
--Check installed Angular CLI version
Open Node.js command prompt=>Type ng v=>Press Enter

Install Visual Studio Code editor

URL: -

Setup Done

Basic CLI command to know

  1. ng new “Project Name”
  2. ng g c “Component Name” or ng generate component “Component Name”
  3. ng g c “Parent Component/Child Component” –-Nested Component
  4. ng g s “Service Name” or ng generate service “Service Name”
  5. ng g cl “Class Name” or ng generate class “Class Name”
  6. ng g m “Module Name” or ng generate module “Module Name”
  7. ng g p “Pipe Name” or ng g p “Pipe Name”
  8. ng serve
  9. ng serve –o or ng serve -open
--o means Open in Browser

Common Decorator

  1. @NgModule()-to define module
  2. @Component()-to define component
  3. @Injectable()-to define services
  4. @Input() & Output()-to define properties...that send & received data from the DOM

 Type of Decorator
  1. Class Decorator -e.g. @Component and @NgModule
  2. Property Decorator-for properties inside classes e.g. @Input() & Output()
  3. Method Decorator-for methods inside classes e.g. @HostListener
  4. Parameter Decorator-for parameter inside class constructor e.g. @Inject

Type of Directives

Directives are elements which change the appearance or behavior of the DOM element. There are 3 types of directives mainly.
  1. Component
  2. Structural 
  3. Attributes

Common features  

  1. *ngFor
  2. *ngIf
  3. Interpolation {{ }}
  4. Property binding [ ]
  5. Event binding ( )

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